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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags oracle & php

16 August 2006

The PHP 5 Data Object (PDO) Abstraction Layer and Oracle

by 1 other
An overview of the new PHP Data Objects (PDO) data abstraction layer, with a focus on Oracle, from one of its original developers.

07 July 2006

Improve PHP Performance by Caching Database Results | Database Change Notification

As is well known, caching the results of database queries can dramatically improve script execution time and minimize the load on the database server. This technique can be especially effective if the data you are dealing with is quite static. This is because many data requests to a remote database may be eventually satisfied from the local cache, thus avoiding the need to make a connection to the database, execute the query, and fetch the results.

Xavier Lacot's TAGS related to tag oracle

pdo +   performance +   php +   sql +